Once upon a time... there was enough time... Who am I kidding?
These days it seems there aren't enough hours in the day. I've been trying to fill each day with as much as I can, but it never seems to be enough. I guess it must be summertime. They days are lighter longer but I still can't seem to get a blog post done. I have started many, stopped, saved them for later, then deleted them. I have never been one to go back and re-work things. It used to drive my art teachers in college quite mad. Well, at least I've been having fun!
After a brief trip to Maine with the family I jumped back into action!
1. Make cupcakes for my dear friend Katie's Mom's Retirement Party! These were so much fun! She had a couple of desserts but realized last minute that there weren't quite enough to go around. So, knowing I always have a few cake mixes and pie crusts around the house, I happily jumped in! I really do love making cupcakes! Last year for Mother's Day my husband bought me a cute frosting tip set and I absolutely love using them. Katie even mentioned "that special janie frosting touch?" I feel so special to get requests for deserts; maybe someday I'll open a real shop and sell cupcakes along with other homemade goodies.

2. Orders! Orders! Orders! No rest for the wicked I guess! I am not complaining! I have had so many orders over the past two months that I have spent every extra minute of the day making lanterns, toys, or bedding sets that I haven't had a chance to make my neices birthday presents yet! May seemed to soar by, 20 orders in one month. I have to admit I got a bit behind so I didn't get a chance to blog at all. I didn't even get a chance to clean up my messes. As soon as I got one order boxed up another came in. The workers at the post office think I'm hilarious. I walk in carrying as many boxes as I can, then head back to get another load. At least they know what to expect and we get things done as efficiently as possible. One woman even said she appreciated me and that at least I know what I wanted, I think she was having a rough day. I can relate, at least I love this job. I am my own boss and I set my own rules and regulations. I do have to admit that sometimes the boss is a bit much. Someone should talk to her.

Now it's time to keep moving! I have a few things to share and hopefully I will find the time to get to them. I have some giveaways and reviews comming up as well as a few new designs! I can't wait to share them with you! As alwasy thanks for checking in, I'll try to work on getting back into the swing of things.
Happy Summer!
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