Last weekend my son's friend, Jasper, turned 1! We had a fantastic time celebrating his birthday with his family and friends. I also was inspired by his mother's awesome decoration ideas! So I thought I would share for anyone planning the next birthday party: Enjoy!
My friend Jes is a wonderful lady, full of warmth and thoughtfulness. She found a way to use her son's newborn clothing to make his welcome board special. As we walked into the house we were all reminded just how far Jasper has come.

A few days before the party my friend called to say her oven had caught fire and might not be usable for the party. My friend Jes is also very resourceful. She would give Sandra Lee from the show
Semi Homemade a run for her money. With little time and very little oven use Jes whipped up these semi-homemade tarts from premade shells by simply adding a whipped tart frosting and fresh berries, as well as mini muffins from a brand new mini-muffin maker, tater-tots in a warming tray, and store bought mini-quiches. I must say a one year old's brunch has never tasted better. I have to admit I ate most of the mini-quiches and tater-tots. I just couldn't help myself.
Now that we have moved back into town life has gotten much better for my family. We are now closer to friends, and these friends have become our family. So to help out I was able to supply a few decorations for the celebration.
I have been working on a few new mobile designs specifically for Birthday Parties. Using the party theme colors I put together this
Large Paper Lantern Mobile to hang over the table, as well as a custom
Burlap Happy Birthday Banner for the living room. It was great to see all the kids play together under the banner. As you walked into each room there was a sense of whimsy and family, just how a child's birthday should feel.
I have to admit that I am inspired and grateful fr my firends and their familys. The more we work together the better life gets.
Check back soon for more photos, ideas, and inspirations. If you have any questions about recipes from the party, or anything you see please feel free to contact me or comment below.