Before I knew it, today was Tuesday. I try to post a new blog every Friday, looks like I missed last week. Things have been busy around here. We have an offer on our house and an offer in on the next. If everything keeps moving it looks like we will be moving September 16th!
Here's the short of it:
Last week consisted of house hunting, inspections, cooking, cleaning, packing, playing with Max, and spending summer time with my currently at home husband.
And I made a quilt!
Etsy Link for Custom Quilt Order
A friend and former student of my husband's placed and order with me last week. There is a new addition to her family and she and her father decided to order a personalized infant quilt.
Apparently they really enjoyed two blankets I made for my son, Max. We worked together and came up with their special blanket. I really like it! If it looks a little familiar that is probably because some of the fabric was used in my first quilt ever!

I still have the handmade quilt my paternal grandmother made for me. Sadly I have already packed it, so I am unable to share it at the moment. Almost 30 years later, I still love it. Once we get into the new house I will unpack and find it all over again. Since I had never made a quilt before I used my grandmothers quilt as a guide, that and some useful Internet sites. I must also say proudly that I used my maternal grandmother's sewing machine to make Max's quilt. I still have the machine too, I still use it for special projects or going thru a tough pair of denim.

The other blanket which inspired my friend was the simple knit blanket I made for Max after he was born,
free pattern. We used the vibrancy and pallet of this blanket combined with the pattern of the first. Overall I was very happy with this project and I really enjoyed making a quilt again.
Now, on to Knitting... All of the windows in the house are open, the rain has stopped and I sense the leaves about to change. September is almost here... Hat Weather!
Check back at the end of the week to see what ends up on my needles!